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Game Development and Multimedia: Audacity, the Sound of Creativity

· 5 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Today is day 3 of 29 Days of Open Source Alternatives, and the final post for the Game Development and Multimedia segment.

I haven't used Audacity myself, but anytime I ask a content creator what tools they use for content creation, Audacity is always mentioned. Because I co-host two podcasts, and I'm very invested in finding more ways to talk about storytelling, Audacity is on the top of my list as a tool to explore ways to share my creative process.

Game Development and Multimedia: theatre.js, Unleashing Creativity in Animation and Motion Design

· 4 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

**Today is day 2 of 29 Days of Open Source Alternatives, and in this short week of February, we're covering Game Development and Multimedia. If you'd like to see more open source games, you can check out my OSS Games Page. **

Before coming into tech, I spent a lot more time writing and working creatively, mostly writing screenplay or tv pilot specs. It's always been my dreams to see my stories come alive on screen. You know that crane shot you see in the most epic of all scenes in action movies? That has always been my dream.

Game Development and Multimedia: Godot Engine, A Game-Changer in Game Development

· 6 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Today starts my 29 Days of Open Source Alternatives series, where I'll be exploring open source alternatives to proprietary software in the categories of Game Development and Multimedia, Development Tools and Platforms, Productivity and Collaboration Tools, and more. If you'd like to see the list of the open source alternatives I'll be covering this month, head over to my 29 Days of Open Source Alts Page or check out my list of open source games.

Last year, we decided to homeschool my 13 year old for a semester. When he told me that he was really interested in game development, I installed all things Unity and tried to get him up and running.

Narrator: we never got things up in running.

Unlocking the Power of HTML's Native Browser Dialog Element

· 4 min read
Nick Taylor
AI Engineer

All the major browsers now support the <dialog%gt; element. Why add this HTML element? User land code, code that developers write to fill in gaps of the browser, was doing similar things repeatedly, especially around focus trapping, and browser engines responded by adding this functionality directly in the browser.

Focus Trapping

What is focus trapping? It's a feature where you do not want focus outside a specific element, and that element typically contains focusable elements.

For example, a form in a modal to confirm an action: As a user uses the keyboard to navigate, they go to the next focusable element, e.g. a button.

If they reach the last focusable element in the modal, without focus trapping, the focus would go to the next focusable element in the document object model (DOM). With focus trapping, you go from the last focusable back to the first focusable element in the parent element.

In user land, popular packages like focus-trap have enabled developers to incorporate focus trapping.

<dialog> for Modal Dialogs

With the dialog element, you get this for free, although there is a gotcha. If you add a dialog element to the page with the open attribute set, the dialog element will become visible on the page; however, focus trapping will not work as you'd expect in a modal.

From the API documentation:

Note: While you can toggle between the open and closed states of non-modal dialog boxes by toggling the presence of the open attribute, this approach is not recommended.

To get focus trapping working, the JavaScript API is required. You can display a modal on the screen by calling the HTMLDialogElement showModal method.

Note that you'll need to view this CodePen in full view because, for some reason, modal dialog focus trapping does not work in the CodePen editor view.

Not only do you get focus trapping, you also get modal close functionality that people have come to expect via the Escape key.

All of that is already amazing, but another common thing people were doing in user land was adding a background to block out users from interacting with the page. With the &lt;dialog%gt; element, we can add a ::backdrop pseudo-element that does this for you. All you need to do is style it. In the CodePen above, uncomment out this code in the CSS panel to see this in action.

{% raw %}
dialog::backdrop {
background-color: purple;
opacity: 0.55;
filter: blur(100px);
{% endraw %}

<dialog> for Non-Modal Dialogs

The structure of a non-modal dialog element is the same as a modal dialog. The main difference is to show a non-modal dialog, you need to call the HTMLDialogElement show method.

With a non-modal dialog, the user is not blocked from navigating the rest of the page, i.e. no focus trapping, and the Escape key will not automatically close the dialog.

Closing a dialog

To close a dialog or modal, we can use the HTMLDialogElement close method.

{% raw %}
const modal = document.querySelector("dialog");

// some button in the dialog that has a click event listener registered
modal.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", () => {
{% endraw %}

Wrapping up

The web platform keeps getting better. It's great to see pain points in user land that had user solutions come natively to browser land.


Stay saucy peeps!

If you would like to know more about my work in open source, follow me on OpenSauced.

Take the First Step: the Open Source Game

· 4 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

There's been a lot of talk recently about how to get into open source. I think part of the challenge of breaking into open source is overthinking it.

We need to reframe how we think about starting with contributing. Getting started with open source can feel intimidating, but it's just like learning a new game with complex rules. You wouldn't jump straight into a game without reading the instructions. In the same way, you shouldn't overwhelm yourself with open source. Take it step-by-step.

Migrating from Jest to Vitest for your React Application

· 5 min read
Nick Taylor
AI Engineer

Are you looking to migrate from Jest to Vitest for your React application? Look no further.

I recently migrated the OpenSauced app repository to Vitest. Here's the pull request if you're interested.

Why move from Jest to Vitest?

Both Jest and Vitest are great testing frameworks, so why bother switching?

Vitest supports ECMAScript modules (ESM), TypeScript out of the box.

Jest requires additional setup for both, although there is experimental support for ESM.

Vitest is also fast. Yes, it depends, but in general, it's faster. (See the Vitest comparison with other test runners)

Neo fighting an agent in the Matrix movie with one hand

If you're already using Vite in your project or the meta-framework you're using is based on Vite, using Vitest is a no-brainer as you're already in the Vite ecosystem.

If your project isn't using Vite, e.g. Next.js, it's still a great move.

Vitest makes it effortless to migrate from Jest. It supports the same Jasmine like API.

TLDR; You don't need to update existing tests, as it’s mostly a drop-in replacement for Jest.

Some other niceties are a default watch mode care of Vite instant Hot Module Reload (HMR).

Install Vitest

The first thing you want to do is install Vitest.

Run npm install vitest -D in the terminal to install Vitest as a dev dependency.

Next up, create a vitest.config.ts file in the root of your project. Even if you're not using TypeScript, name it vitest.config.ts.

In that file, add the following code and save it.

{% raw %}
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
test: {
// some paths to the files that are test files
include: ["./**/*.test.ts", "./**/*.test.tsx"],
{% endraw %}

You can explicitly import describe, it/test, expect or you can have it work like in Jest where they're all globals. All you need to do is set globals to true in the Vitest configuration.

{% raw %}
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
test: {
include: ["./**/*.test.ts", "./**/*.test.tsx"],
+ globals: true,
{% endraw %}

Using Vitest with React

At OpenSauced, we're using Next.js to build out the main application.

Vitest is based off Vite which supports React via their plugin ecosystem, so you'll need to install the Vite React plugin to get React support.

Run npm install @vitejs/plugin-react -D to install the plugin as a dev dependency.

Update the Vitest configuration to add the React plugin.

{% raw %}
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";

export default defineConfig({
+ plugins: [react()],
test: {
include: ["./**/*.test.ts", "./**/*.test.tsx"],
globals: true,
{% endraw %}

React Testing Library

If you happen to be using React Testing Library in your project, you'll need to keep the jsdom dev dependency installed.

Next, add jsdom to your Vitest configuration.

{% raw %}
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
test: {
include: ["./**/*.test.ts", "./**/*.test.tsx"],
globals: true,
+ environment: "jsdom",
{% endraw %}


Your project might be using aliases for paths. For example, in the OpenSauced app repository, components, lib, and img are aliases to folders.

If you need to support aliases, Vitest has you covered.

Here's an example of supporting the above-mentioned aliases.

{% raw %}
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
+ resolve: {
+ alias: {
+ components: fileURLToPath(new URL("./components", import.meta.url)),
+ lib: fileURLToPath(new URL("./lib", import.meta.url)),
+ img: fileURLToPath(new URL("./img", import.meta.url)),
+ },
+ },
test: {
include: ["./**/*.test.ts", "./**/*.test.tsx"],
globals: true,
environment: "jsdom",
{% endraw %}

TypeScript Types

If you're using TypeScript, you can add the types for Vitest to the project.

In your tsconfig.json file, add the types in the compiler options section of the TypeScript configuration file.

{% raw %}
"compilerOptions": {
// . .. other compiler options in your project
+ "types": ["vitest/globals"]

// . .. other TypeScript configuration options in your project

{% endraw %}

Running Tests

To run tests using Vitest, you can run vitest. By default, it will go into watch mode. If you only want to run the test suite once, e.g. for the CI/CD pipeline, run vitest run.

Removing Jest

If your project is a TypeScript project, you probably have the types for Jest in your project. If you do, run the following to remove the Jest TypeScript types.

{% raw %}
npm uninstall -D @types/jest
{% endraw %}

Uninstall Jest itself.

{% raw %}
npm uninstall jest jest-environment-jsdom -D
{% endraw %}

And that's it! Happy testing!

Stay saucy peeps!

If you would like to know more about my work in open source, follow me on OpenSauced.

So What Does a Maintainer Do Anyway?

· 6 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

So far in this series, we’ve explored maintainership from a high level understanding of what’s required, why you should consider it, and how to get started. But what are the day-to-day tasks of a maintainer?

The first project I actively maintained was something that I hadn’t initially considered for open source contributions. It was open sourced, but I didn’t anticipate anyone contributing but me. When I was encouraged to share it with contributors during Hacktoberfest a couple of years ago, I had to make some updates so people understood what the purpose of the project was, how to run it, and the technology behind it. Looking back at it, there are, of course, things I could have added or done differently.

What to do when your PR fails

· 5 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Yesterday, I decided to make some "quick" changes to the OpenSauced docs site. Now, I know that "quick changes" is essentially a bad word in tech. Anytime you say it, it will indeed not be quick. I wrote up a quick issue that described reorganizing a couple of things and adding a quick intro page. I made the changes, wrote the page, pushed my changes, and made the Pull Request (PR), only to see that I failed. Ugh. It was quick, but it wasn't right. Not really having the time to dig into it, I left my PR open and determined to get back to it the next day. Understanding why a project is failing may look different depending on how it is set up. For us, we're going to look at implementation errors, compliance issues, check the deploy log.

Strategies for Successful Contributor Onboarding

· 10 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Every week at 10:30a ET, I do X/Twitter spaces about open source. I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from some amazing folks in the space, and two conversations really had me thinking about this topic. I chatted with Rachel Nabors of Clerk and Ben Holmes of Astro about open source projects and the contributor’s journey. They both shared their philosophies on how to cultivate a positive contributor journey. As a former educator, it made a lot of sense: If we want to see return contributors, we need to create a space that encourages them to return. Part of this means cultivating a contributor journey that allows your contributors to grow, receive recognition for their contributions, and provides a positive experience. Creating an impactful contributor journey requires deliberate thought and understanding, listening, and a willingness to grow with your contributors.