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Open Source ABCs: open data

· One min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Welcome to our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

I thought about using OpenSauced and talking about how we're redefining contributions in open source, how we're supporting maintainers creating healthy projects, and how we're fostering a healthy ecosystem for open source, but instead I'll go with open data for the letter "o".

Open Data: Open-source projects sometimes produce open data, which refers to freely accessible and shareable datasets. Open data enables researchers, analysts, and other developers to use and build upon existing information.

Now, we want to hear from you! What other OSS terms can you think of that start with the letter "o"?

Remember to use the hashtag #100DaysOfOSS if you share on social media, and don't forget to tag us @saucedopen so we can follow along.