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30 Jan 2024

Welcome to OpenSauced API 2.0!

Welcome to OpenSauced 2.0! We’ve released a v2 of our API which has introduced a huge number of improvements, new metrics, and extended capabilities. Double the sauce, double the fun!

Some of these changes include:

  • Near real time metric updates from GitHub across the entire platform. For example, you’ll notice on your profile page that your contributions show up within 5 minutes of it happening on GitHub!

  • Improved speed for fetching data from our API (leading to improved performance of the OpenSauced App)

  • The contributor list endpoints now have time-series data that is distributed correctly across a given time range window: this means that the graphs presented in contributor insight lists is much more accurate


SBOM generation for Workspaces now supports Golang projects! In the example above, this is a generated Workspace from the SBOM for kubernetes/kubernetes. The SBOM is derived from the go.mod files that define what dependencies a project has.

To get started, visit to your favorite Go project's Repository Page on OpenSauced and hit the "Workspace from SBOM" button!


add workspace SBOMs gif

A new feature called "Workspace from SBOM" has been added to the repository pages. SBOM stands for Software Bill of Materials, which is important for software security and supply chain risk management. It essentially lists all the packages or dependencies that make up a project.

This feature allows users to create a workspace from an SBOM. By clicking the "Workspace from SBOM" button, users are taken to a page for creating a new workspace. The system automatically loads the SBOM for the repository, populating the tracked repositories with all the relevant packages.

The workspace name defaults to "SBOM for [repository name]". After creating the workspace, users can explore and investigate all the dependencies listed in the SBOM.

Note that only JavaScript projects are supported at the moment, but Go project support is on the way and in the future other languages/package managers support. Read more about why tracking SBOMs is useful.

import lists

The addition of new fields (like LinkedIn, GitHub sponsors) and the implementation of user settings like timezone filters and account deletion flow demonstrate an attention to user-centric features, making OpenSauced more adaptable to individual user needs.

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