StarSearch - AI Copilot but for git history | Product Hunt


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Access insights to validate and share the value of open source to stakeholders using observability & workspaces.

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Easy access to all your open source data

Streamlined AccessWe distill your raw GitHub events data and give you straightforward access to your information so you can preserve your engineering resources for where they're needed most.
Actionable IntelligenceOur unique technology not only gathers, but also enriches your data, providing you with real insights that can guide decision making.

Insight Pages

Deep Insights into your entire open source ecosystem

Gather information about internal and external GitHub repositories and organizations. Categorize, understand, and analyze different groups of contributors within open source projects.



Share key information and collaborate with your team

Workspaces serve as a centralized hub for sharing, collaborating on, and monitoring open source projects and their contributors. Manage your open source information⎯whether for individual productivity, team collaboration, or company-wide operations.

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Musings on the open-source community, engineering, and the future of talent acquisition.

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The Human Dependency Graph: Why We Need to Rethink Security in Open Source

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Product Update: List Feature

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How we built our Lottery Factor chart


#Repo Pages

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Every GitHub Repository Should Be A Dataset




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